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Milestone reached with baby steps.

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Milestone reached with baby steps.

Well on the last day of 2017 I reached a small milestone in that I uploaded my 100th artwork to this site. It sounds like such a small thing but when I started I really had no idea how long it could take to build up a body of work. So I am taking it in baby steps, trying to only add my very best work and keep the mindset of quality over quantity. I think if I could reach a daily goal of two uploads or at least five per week that by the last day of 2018 my goal of 500 nice artworks will be met. Then I can set a new goal, maybe something like selling a print of all 500. Now that would be a milestone indeed! Follow me on this journey and see how well I am able to reach my goals one baby step at a time.

Update: On Oct 9 2021 I realized this post needed a photo. I went back and counted my posts in the order I made them and this was the 100th piece of artwork that I uploaded that day. I thought to myself, "how perfect that it is a piece featuring babies for a post named "Baby Steps"